Healthcare application

Project Type

Healthcare Platform


Healthcare, Social


Mobile Development

Cuddle therapy platform

Cuddle therapy is a type of therapy, where participants engage in cuddling. Being a proven method for stress relief and improved mental state, this therapy has a good amount of practitioners and professional therapist, called cuddlists. Currently the system has a big set of practitioners and therapists actively using the platform.

Our Impact

Being built with a decade old tools and technologies and filled with broken set of functionalities, the application was completely transformed to a modern platform with upgraded UI and technologies. Our team planned and executed flawless transition from the old platform to the new one by migrating all the previously available data. On top of it, the team added a set of useful features, one of which was automated payment processing. This transition and upgrades made lives of the practitioners, cuddlists and admins much easier and productive.

So What's Next?

Are You Ready? Let's get to work!